
Trying to discern how the Druids might of looked has been my biggest stumbling block with Cythraul as there is practically no information available , relating to their appearance, that is reliable. Only Livvy spoke out about some whimsical notions he seems to have conjured up himself that depicts them as dressed in white robes, loitering around sycamore groves with sickles. As noone else related anything else remotely similar, historians have lately abandoned the notion of their being any truth to his overly romantic descriptions.

Despite this, most Druidic factions today still ponce around unknowingly around the english countryside all done up in white robes and Asterix's druid Getafix is likewise clearly based on the writings of Livvy.

Knowing as I do, from reading, that the Druids were seen as the most important of the intellectual caste of Celtic society, ranked higher than even the king, whilst still having none of the trappings of luxury, and posessing an abundance of knowledge chiefly about nature ( Druid is actually a bastardisation of Dru Vid which means Oak Knowledge), they read to my mind as a contradiction and I find it difficult to imagine them in a form that brings much satisfaction to me yet. I think this version is the closest I've come to finding an image that suits their enigmatic position and abilities.